Lingerie….painful and practical, or sensual and seductive?
Recently I have found myself thinking about Lingerie, amongst other equally important subjects, of course. Lustrous undergarments have remained popular across continents and throughout centuries. The Egyptians, Greeks and French professed their enjoyment in wearing intricate undergarments since time began, and today the world of Victoria’s Secret dominates many ladies’ lives. Indeed, I must confess, the purpose of lingerie, and the effect it has on people, intrigues me.
Initially I've thought lingerie was simply gendered undergarments,
both unnecessary and uncomfortable. I mean, are we supposed to be putting on a
panto with these laced, frilled and feathered slinkies? Surely these midnight
satins only serve for a mere moment in time, as before we know it they will be
tossed away to a holier place.

It all boils down to how lingerie makes us feel. Whether im riding
solo, or having fun for two, I always make sure I wear what makes me feel good
and dare I say it, sexy. Lingerie can come hand in hand with women’s sexual
freedom, to express themselves and enjoy their bodies. I get a cheeky kick from knowing that
underneath my office attire, my modesty is preserved with sensual satin. Sod
it, its not Victoria’s secret its mine! Not only do these fabrics make you feel
special, but the right fitting underwear can turn you into the Mona Lisa, and
your bedroom the Louvre. Well, Mona wasn’t a looker bless her, but you
understand my point ! She (or he - as we all know the Mona was based on a man)
was and is a centrepiece in the history of time, and had Leo Da Vinci under her
(or his) thumb. The right fitting panties can emphasise your assets ie) give
you a bottom that you initially don’t have, and make you feel a bit glorious.
If you feel sexy underneath, this will radiate to the outside world.
When someone is confident in their own skin, they have that sparkle in their
eyes, it shows in their walk and talk.
In fact, Marilyn Monroe’s famous wiggle when she walked, was due to her
underwear, pinching certain areas where the sun don’t shine. Each woman has her
own idea of beauty, to some, beaded and jewelled underwear is teasing and
personally some lingerie can be a little too tacky for my taste. Keep it classy
ladies! I'd choose delicate silk any day over dodgy dominatrix disasters.
offence to those with nocturnal fetishes.
I do think something so private, can also be beautiful and elegant,
giving us that striking silhouette. Yet, we could argue the very idea of
lingerie is just another societal and cultural pressure that women succumb to,
and that men have it easy with their cheeky basic briefs and Y fronts (each to
their own)…while we are spending time and money in order to feel airbrushed
when facing both them and of course our favourite friend, the mirror.

Peace & Love
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