If you’re sick of all the clutter, plastic jewels from a pre-adolescent time, it is easy to be flooded with thoughts of sending all that old jewellery into a giant shredder, coming out with a fancy giant Papier Mache sculpture that would give Grayson Perry a run for his money! But if you fancy a spot of recycling that gives your precious bits and pieces a new lease of life, then you’re reading the right blog.
Sometimes we love our costume jewels too much to throw them away!
Perhaps they hold fantastic memories of people, places or events? Too precious to ever contemplate throwing them away! Well the good news is that you don’t have to. We at House of Beth recommend that you get creative with them instead! Here are just a few ideas on what you can do with your old jewellery (If this old jewellery belongs to someone else we also recommend that you ask them before you begin to create your fabulous new pieces!).
Firstly using a pair of round nosed pliers you can unleash your creative side. Take and join together broken segments of necklaces and chains. Join together using the links already available on the necklaces. If there are none then you can normally pick up some jump rings along with your round nosed pliers from any good jewellery suppliers for next to nothing. Alternatively there is always good ole superglue! Most base metals react well to glue and will allow you to make your statement neck piece, or anything else for that matter: A linked hair piece, set of bracelets or even a long bejewelled belt.

Has your dressiest pair of clip on earrings lost the fastenings on the back? Or butterfly backs lost their ‘butterfly’? Unfortunately this is all too common an occurrence. But never fear this is by no means the end- why not try gluing one of the little sparklers to a rubber band or even with some ribbon to an alice band for a DIY headpiece. Check out our ethical head pieces for some inspiration.
With lots of vampire and werewolf related movies on the silver screens at the moment- you may be feeling like donning some dramatic gothic jewellery in homage to some old-school Victorian chic. Take one of your old earrings, glue them to a safety pin, add some black lacy ribbon and hey presto you have yourself your very own Victorian style brooch!

Got lots of pretty beads but not sure what to do with them? Although the obvious answer would be to string them together and drape them around your neck or waist why not give them to our fabulous jewellery designer Justine Silverstone, who will custom make you the most beautiful head piece or necklace you have ever worn, on behalf of House of Beth.
By Hema
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